
Fate Lies In Red Thread

by Sydney Jordan


Two people, connected.

Connected through two lives.

A life that could have been beautiful

Was hard and exhausting instead.

You cut it short in a night full of tears

Raising that cold metal to your temple.

You could no longer withstand the pain,

Knowing acceptance

Wasn’t going to come anytime soon.

Your families soon saw

 They were keeping you from

 True happiness, and so

At the funeral, your pinkies were tethered

With a string in the colour red;

Legend promises it links lovers

Together in their next life.

The world was ready for you this time.

The moment your eyes met: overwhelmed.

You couldn’t describe the feeling, but

You knew you’d found the one you’d been missing.

Fate tied you together so your love could blossom;

Another chance for you, and

The people who made your past

Impossible–the ones that missed you dearly.

No more pain, no more sadness,

Only your love out in the open.

All thanks to an attraction that existed 

Despite no body to harbour it in, and

A dainty red string, whose meaning is

Entirely simple, yet so complex:

“Until we meet again.”

Sydney Jordan is a third year Carleton student in the BA of English program. She can be contacted via [email protected] or 343-260-9593. The piece of literary work submitted is titled “Fate Lies in Red Thread” and is a poetry piece with a word count of 201 words (33 lines). Sydney has not published any of her works in the past.


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