In a watercolour style. Illustration of sumac plants growing together. The leaves and bush are green, and the sumac petals are red with flecks of orange.
  • To Make A Raspberry

    For ten years my husband and I have been counting pollinators. Around mid-February we print off our identification sheets, grab…

  • Yarn

    The sun hangs low on the village of one street. Gripping a basket full of yarn, the witch shuffles past…

  • Us Kids

    One February, Mum made me write notes on Scooby-Doo valentines. She called out “run–on sentence” and “comma splice” before ordering…

  • Tunnel Market

    There were two main rules when in the tunnel market. First and foremost, keep your hands in your pockets and…

  • Among The Stones

    At night, all you could hear were the voices of the dead. The long–gone, the recently–gone, the unremembered; every voice…

  • The Fever Grove

    I wake crouching against rough bark. Taking a few short breaths to center myself in this new realm, echoes of…

  • The King of Ithaca

    The letter said, “I’m not as pretty as I used to be.” Underneath was written the time his train would…

  • How Far We’ve Come

    If you said, long ago when we were /
    young, when the Sun flew like an idol /
    and mothered us, that…

  • Wistful Seasons

    sunscreen-covered cheeks mark late spring / when blisters blossom on palms and a waft / of overripe coconut dances with…

  • Your Favourite Red Pen

    Amid the achromic / graphite pencils and the fine-tip / washable markers
    and the / ballpoint gel pens, you pick /…

  • Grocery List

    I started collecting them / like a middle-aged woman / collects coupons / saving them / like mementos / of…

  • Tales of Wild Rice

    My lola was a teacher, a young / visionary. She taught her sons how to plant rice / fields that…

  • Pablo

    The cat eats plastic, obsessively, / like a real freak, and it seems we’re always / ripping something out of…

  • Meet The Edge

    I want to live by the ocean. / Trade city slurs for crashing / waves / and live on the…

  • Road to Resources

    We forage for beef jerky, / transform water into Red Bull, / barter for maps with broken / prayers of…

  • Errant Satellites

    After the wrong rocket collided with the moon / By way of lodestar, / we find our way to a…

  • 12/11/2020 – 2:31 (am)

    i was lost, so i killed my sanity/ honed my discipline/ trained to solve non-problems chosen by tortured people/ because…

  • Who Am I?

    Who am I? / Al-Zaitoon from the forgotten land. / 1948, at three, on foot from Haifa to Sidonto Amman…