

by Rey Duff


I go for walks like I did at age 6

6-year-olds don’t follow one path, 

They don’t regulate themselves

Or know when they’ll get tired

6- year- olds get lost or wander off

They stop when they see something 

That excites them

They ask questions and

Look for answers around them

I like to walk like that

I like to read all the signs

And jump in the middle spot on the bridge

I take pictures of the ducks 

That I can send to my mom

And lean too far over the railing

To see them better

I get distracted by bugs

And I stop to watch some the snails race

I take a leaf home with me

And wonder if a stick is good for walking

6-year-olds step on spots that no one else will

Now when I walk, I never know the steps

As I’m walking where I never have before

They know the world in a way I want to

I go for walks now, like I did at age 6

And try to wonder like them too

Rey Duff is a writer, wanderer and lover. They write about identity, transit, and, like everyone, love. He’s currently a student at Carleton University where he spends his time walking along the canal, listening to music too loudly and having late-night ice cream cake parties. He’s been previously published in flo. Literary Magazine, Young Voices Magazine, TOP Zine and their bedroom wall.


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